Monday, August 27, 2007


Hey Bloggers,
It's been too, too long. Sooooooooooooooo many changes have happened in the past year. Some good, some bad. Especially now it's when I've realized that every JB fans is holding on to the past and not embrassing the future. There are so many reasons why JB fans are pissed. Some I understand and some are a little well "dramatic" no offence.

- So Nick & Miley are dating? (possibly). Nick is my favorite as well, and I hate Miley for a number of reasons. But we're known as being the "best fans" we're known for refussing to give up and not taking no for an answer. We're also known to JB as the most amazing "fans" in the world. I think even to them we're their family as well. We can't be ridiculous about this, Nick can date who ever he wants in that includes, stupid Miley. Whatever we support all three's relationship choices NO MATTER WHO THEY'RE DATING!!!

- Kevin's hair- Okay this is one thing I believe EVERYONE is being dramatic over! HELLO! It's hair. And it's Kevin's hair choice! Yes it may be "Ugly" or "Gross" but again we're known for being the "best fans in the world" we can't let their sense of style or hair affect our opinion on them!

-Joe's hair- Again it's his hair, he could shave it off if he wanted. It's his hair nobody elses. He can do whatever he wants.

Now between Miley Lovers & Haters. Miley Lovers, that's your opinion you can love her and think she sounds amazing and have pictures of her everywhere. It's cool! That's your opinion!
And Miley Haters, that's your opinion too, it's also mine. You can hate her and de-face her pics and make hate fansites. Again it's freedom of speech! Everyone is intitled to their own opinion and also entitled to so stop all this fighting back and forth and STATING YOUR OPINION as a FACT! It's not it's your OPINION!

With all that being said. Change for JB has come with a price. We never get to see Nick's pearly whites anymore because he doesn't smile. Joe NEVER talks anymore who knows why. And even Kevin doesn't smile like he used to. I can not answer why any of that is, I don't know if something's wrong but whatever. Whatever is going on is between them and anyone who is involved is their buisness not ours.

So yes they are deffinatly loosing their original and some true fans but what can they or we do? They're changing for good and for worse. We can't do anything about it so stop whining we CAN NOT do anything about it. We can't try to change them back this is who they are they may be happy they may not be. Who knows! I just want all this drama to stop it's not what JB fans are about, we're about being true and caring and loyal to our boys. Even if they start wearing clown outfits who cares? We love them for their music!

Love Always,

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