Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Things to do before I die.

Seeing how you never know when it's your last day on earth I've made a list of things I'm going to do before I die.

1. Graduate High School.

2. Go to an amazing college (preferably Maryland University, New York University, Savannah College of Art & Design, etc.)

3. Change some one's life.

4. Read all the Shakespeare books I can get my hands on.

5. Write something meaningful.

6. Get a book published.

7. Intern at a huge magazine.

8. Work at Seventeen.

9. Head something amazing.

10. Date someone who makes me truly fall in love.

11. Find someone to spend the rest of my life with.

12. Visit Australia.

13. Tell the Jonas Brothers how eternally grateful I am to them for getting me through all the tough stuff.

14. Get someone to restore a baby blue mustang for me.

15. Buy an apartment in New York.

16. Drive to California.

17. Visit Disney World.

18. Ride a roller coaster a million times.

19. Meet Kristen Stewart.

20. Meet Taylor Swift.

21. See every Will Smith movie ever made.

22. Get my nose pierced.

23. Dye my entire hair pink.

The list could go on and on. My biggest fear in life is that I'll find this list when I'm 95 and realize I didn't do any of it. Realize I should've done more in my life to make it count. Not make it boring, and a waste.

Quote of the blog:
"I don't want to live-- I want to love first, and live incidentally"
- Zelda Fitzgerald.

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