Saturday, June 14, 2008

Days 1, 2, & 3 of summer.

Day 1: Thursday June 12th.
Thursday started out as my normal rotinue. I got up, made my bed and had my two blueberry poptarts. I hung around, took a shower, and watched TV. Then I went with my sister and dad to see "Kung Fu Panda" amazing. I'm a kid at heart and I can mostly be found watching "Seaseme Street" & "Elmo's World" during the summer. We then went on a search for lawnmowers. This is not only my second time in a month looking for one, but I think the people in Sears know me now. Afterwards, I hung around doing absolutly nothing. Boring. I then went to sleep early because I was so bored.

Day 2: Friday June 13th.
First of all it took me about six hours to realize it was Friday the 13th. Well, I did my usual routine. Blahh.... Then went to the mall and searched for hours for elevators (I'm scared of esculators FYIizzle). Then we went to the Fossil store, and my sister pondered over the fact it was Friday, not Saturday in TGI Fridays. Then we searched for a Wal-Mart and bought a lawnmower. But it took us like three hours to find due to the annoying fact we circled Loch Raven ten times.
Then I cut the lawn to make some extra cash and ate dinner. The end.

Day 3: Saturday June 14th.
I stayed home all day making extra cash by cleaning. That's seriously all I did. Then ate some amazing chinease food and now I'm sitting here watching "RV" with my sister.

"Im just another one of those girls who falls head over heals for the guy who has absolutly no idea who she is."
- Unknown.

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