So right now I'm really hateing my step-mom. She's CRAZY, let me tell you that. She thinks the world should all bow down to her. I have to wait till 5:00 tomorrow at school all alone, because she's to lazy to come and get me. It really pisses me off!! Now she wants me to leave my school and go live with my mom just because I don't support her and my dad's relationship! NEWS FLASH LADY I have my own opinion, and it's not yours. You can scream and rant and yell and bitch all you want but in the end I can't stand you!! I know how much you hate my sister and me and you THAT'S YOUR OPINION! And mine is that I HATE you. Now I dis-like a lot of people. I mean "Hate Is A Strong Word" but I really really really HATE my step-mom. And news flash women, Rosie and I both HATE you. Hah she thinks she's so amazing. She's not. No one likes her, her own daughter doesn't give a rats ass about her. She could go jump off a bridge and no one would cry. I swear if I would've written down every nasty thing someone has said about her, the list would reach the floor! It really annoys the hell out of me. I don't care anymore, if I could I would march down and "SHUT THE F*CK UP. NO ONE CARES!" but I can't grr. That women sure knows how to piss someone off till they're about to explode. I barely ever cuss but look what she does to me!!
Sorry if you don't like cuss words!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Just watch the fireworks

So yesterday I had volleyball registration for next year. The coach scares me haha! It looks like I'm going to be keeping busy this summer. I'm excited, it seems like I've been waiting forever for the summer and high school. I'm going to try a lot of new things, and work on LOTS of things. Right now singing is kind of behind me. I know what you're going to say. "Don't Let People Put You Down" but it's hard. So I'm going to try everything but singing. I need people who believe in me not people who don't and seeing as that is all I have around me then singing is not going to be what I love. So yes, life is going to be pretty good this summer hopefully. I may be going to see the Vans Warped tour when it comes to Maryland. EXCITING! So like my title says: "Just watch the fireworks" I'm just going to sit back and relax for a while!
Love Always,
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Want some bitches and asses? Come to my school!
Yes that's right. Today I relized how much I hate my school! Life there is pretty sucky and the fact I'm stuck with these people for four more years annoys me! I don't like the people at Hereford it really stinks!! You know that girl in the Paramore "Misery Buisness" video. I seriously think I'm like her (just not as edgy) and I would probably never do that stuff. But sometimes people just go a little to far!
That's all for now,
That's all for now,
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hello All... It's been To Long
It's been a while! Right now I am slowly typeing this because today in P.E. I killed my finger playing football! It hurts so bad and is struticuly placed on my middle finger hum.... wonder if that's a sign! Anyway so today I am trying my hardest to get ready for finals. They're not exciting me to to much hah why would they. It's very annoying because I get out so freakin late hah! Anyways BIG MOVE. Notice how I put the caps lock on BIG MOVE. It's actually not that big of a move, it's well it's a move. We're trying to find a house but it's not going to well, no one in my family can agree on anything grrr! It's really annoying. Anyways my head is spinning right now. I am having serious problems right now because I am so freakin bored and my finger hurts so bad! So yes that's pretty much it right now. I love you all for reading my wonderfully awesome blog called "Sweet Summer Kiss" hahah. The reason I named it that is because it's one of my favorite songs by "The Little Women Band" so yea pretty self explanitory oh and one more thing:
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I am not ashamed....
Of my religon. People think I'm weird because I'm Catholic. I have gotten rude comments about it and it really hurts my feelings. People have their own personal opinion, about their own religon and I think it's really rude. REALLY REALLY RUDE! I think everyone should respect everyone's personal beliefs.
On another note.....
I have a new cat named, Lilly. Her name has been changed a bajillion times!
My adopted sisters came over this weekend! We've decided that we're going to be concert besties and wear t-shirts lol!
I am very excited for school to be over, I have until the 19th which is so late! grr everyone else gets off on the 8th!
I got Jessi and Kasey addicted to OTH haha
Well I think that's about it!
Comments on this blog please! And Thank you!

On another note.....
I have a new cat named, Lilly. Her name has been changed a bajillion times!
My adopted sisters came over this weekend! We've decided that we're going to be concert besties and wear t-shirts lol!
I am very excited for school to be over, I have until the 19th which is so late! grr everyone else gets off on the 8th!
I got Jessi and Kasey addicted to OTH haha
Well I think that's about it!
Comments on this blog please! And Thank you!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Goodbye To You
So today, I had a Quiz Bowl match. It was my last one EVER in Middle School :( and probably ever. It makes me sad. We were losing, which kind of sucked and as the reader dude was reading the last question the timer went off, but he was aloud to keep reading. And good old Matt raises his hand and just takes a chance and goes "RED!" and of course he GOT IT RIGHT! It was like God was watching out for us. Afterwards, we still had to get one more 10 point question to win and guess what? We got it! 10 wonderful points right in the bag!! We won by 5 points. Anyways as you know my old best friend, Bridge and me have been having trouble. I guess the trouble went away, she ended up spending most of her time with Kallie. I don't mind anymore, I really don't I mean it's okay. I have come to except that we're not best friends anymore and right now I am going to send her an email saying how I'm feeling. I can't keep this bottled up inside anymore, I think we're over for good so right now I kind of feel pretty sucky. I mean I have no best friend anymore I can tell she doesn't want to hurt my feeling but right now I could care less. So this song explains me pretty much:
"Goodbye To You"Of all the things I've believed inI just want to get it over withTears form behind my eyesBut I do not cryCounting the days that pass me byI've been searching deep down in my soulWords that I'm hearing are starting to get oldIt feels like I'm starting all over againThe last three years were just pretendAnd I said,[Chorus:]Goodbye to youGoodbye to everything I thought I knewYou were the one I lovedThe one thing that I tried to hold on toThe one thing that I tried to hold on toI still get lost in your eyesAnd it seems that I can't live a day without youClosing my eyes and you chase my thoughts awayTo a place where I am blinded by the lightBut it's not right[Chorus]And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same timeI want what's yours and I want what's mineI want youBut I'm not giving in this time[Chorus x2]And when the stars fallI will lie awakeYou're my shooting star
Right now I feel pretty sucky and I want to listen to the Little Women Band :(
"Goodbye To You"Of all the things I've believed inI just want to get it over withTears form behind my eyesBut I do not cryCounting the days that pass me byI've been searching deep down in my soulWords that I'm hearing are starting to get oldIt feels like I'm starting all over againThe last three years were just pretendAnd I said,[Chorus:]Goodbye to youGoodbye to everything I thought I knewYou were the one I lovedThe one thing that I tried to hold on toThe one thing that I tried to hold on toI still get lost in your eyesAnd it seems that I can't live a day without youClosing my eyes and you chase my thoughts awayTo a place where I am blinded by the lightBut it's not right[Chorus]And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same timeI want what's yours and I want what's mineI want youBut I'm not giving in this time[Chorus x2]And when the stars fallI will lie awakeYou're my shooting star
Right now I feel pretty sucky and I want to listen to the Little Women Band :(
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Yessir my uncle Bob
Kasey and Jessi are probably coming over this weekend! I'm very excited we're going to have FUN! We're gonna explore the world of Stewartstowns yeppers! I'm excited woah woah! That's pretty much it for right now!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Isn't it ironic
Ok so my parents are saying, make sacrafices and meanwhile my stepmom won't make any. It's kind of ironic because my step mom is complaining how she doesn't want to be away from her daughter yet her daughter lives in Tennessee and will be away at college for a really long time still. I AM STILL HERE FOR FOUR MORE YEARS! I don't think she understands that, it's ironic. I AM STILL HERE! goodness people I do make sacrafices! On another note, I REALLY want to go to Ocean City with Kasey. But that's something that probably won't happen, I know this because A. It's during school. B. I don't know but there is another reason. Meanwhile I'm having terrible problemos in school so a good nice rest at the beach would help but I don't think my dad will go for it. No matter how I try to tell him. If it wasn't on school days then yes I would be able to go grr! I really do want to go LIKE REALLY BADLY! But hey I gotta respect the man's wishes. Enless he says yes which would be a blessing. I wrote a article about my MCR experience, whether I'll post it or not is a different story! So I think I'm going to hit the hey for now. Remember "Look ahead the past is behind you" it seems like a good quote but it takes an extra lot to believe it. It really does because your past is your past but it's hard to wip it away. I'll talk to you all later.
The Green Monster Of Jealousy
I hate being jealous. It's something I don't enjoy. I don't enjoy people who are jealous of one another and I also don't enjoy people who think it's cool to start rumors. My old friend A, as you know, has decided to sit with me again at lunch. I was starting to feel better when she started a NASTY rumor about me that only I knew was true. She keeps telling everyone that I'm using them. It's NOT true! I love all my friends I really do. She seems to think I enjoy her being mean to me but I don't. It's gotten old it really has. No matter what I do it seems like I don't belong. So my decision is this: Stick it out the rest of the year. I mean I can do it I really can then NO MORE! Then I give up. I'm going to try my best to stick it out anyway. So yep hopefully I can and next year hopefully I'll get to leave. I'd be muy excited! I need some comments on my blogs. Give me some advice on what I should do as far as how I should deal with this problem.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Motercycle Across The Street CRAZY!
So there is a REALLY annoying motor cycle thingy across the street! Grrr.... so today, my mom, my sister and I took a little trip to Petsmart. We saw the CUTEST cat in the entiree world their OMG CUTEST! So we ended up filing to adopt it! Hopefully we'll get "Veronica" haha. We named her after The Veronicas! EXCITING huh! So yepp today I went for some shopping and now I'm waiting for some people to get on AIM. Yep, it's very excited! I'm telling you this DROPOUT YEAR had better be ready for Kasey, Jessi and me! We're going to go C.R.A.Z.Y! Woah! So yepp that's about it!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
And here in my heart it's 40 below
So right now it's Saturday and I'm extremely bored! So I decided to write a blog!! I'm listening to The Little Women Band! Anyways so everything is kind of falling apart. My friends, everything. It's starting to make me wonder if maybe going back to PA. I saw all my old Boy-friends last night when my sister dragged me to a party at the school. I just kind of sat on the curb while she talked to her friends. And all my old friends sat next to me. They didn't really talk to me but..... I'm so confussed right now. I'm not even sure, if I'm aloud to move back to PA. There are so many pros and cons in this suituation. I think there's really nothing left in Maryland just Kasey and Jessi. But I already don't get to see them a whole lot. I don't know what I should do. Being confussed, it stink! HELP ME! I need help!!
PS: Can people hack into your AIM account?
So right now it's Saturday and I'm extremely bored! So I decided to write a blog!! I'm listening to The Little Women Band! Anyways so everything is kind of falling apart. My friends, everything. It's starting to make me wonder if maybe going back to PA. I saw all my old Boy-friends last night when my sister dragged me to a party at the school. I just kind of sat on the curb while she talked to her friends. And all my old friends sat next to me. They didn't really talk to me but..... I'm so confussed right now. I'm not even sure, if I'm aloud to move back to PA. There are so many pros and cons in this suituation. I think there's really nothing left in Maryland just Kasey and Jessi. But I already don't get to see them a whole lot. I don't know what I should do. Being confussed, it stink! HELP ME! I need help!!
PS: Can people hack into your AIM account?
Friday, May 11, 2007
Confessions Of A Jonas Fan
So, I've been reading some jonas fans myspaces. It occured to me that a lot of them complain! A LOT! They're NEVER satisfied. Then other fans are complaining clearly about other Jonas fans. It kind of makes me laugh. Some people even put blogs about things to do and not do at Jonas meet & greets. This is my opinion, people who are not as fortunate to go to as many Jonas Brothers concerts get excited. It's what a concert is for! Getting happy and excited! And if you're a lucky person and meet them then you know how it feels! Sometimes fans scream and shout and sometimes fans get so excited that's all! People are complaining, about fans getting excited. GUESS WHAT! It's their favorite band and I know some people do go far but that's no reason to personally pick on them! Some of you go on and will be like You should so vote for the Jonas Brothers, you should go buy their cd and concert tickets and meet and greets! So when we do we get excited. It's not like they're doing anything wrong. Yea they might be annoying you but that's no reason to say don't do this or that. The boys are some peoples heroes. They want to be like them jeez is that such a crime!! I'm not trying to be rude but I just wanted this to be said!
Natalie (Infinite xoxo)
Natalie (Infinite xoxo)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Waiting For Summer
I'm so excited for summer! It's like well I hope right around the corner! I'm so excited but not to excited to be going to High School. It's really going to scare me. I mean REALLY! I'm not ready for it quite yet. Time is passing by so fast! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday I was going into middle school for the first time, scared to death. But as I get ready I start to wonder if I'm going to be going it alone. I've been having so many problems. I mean my best friend, and I barly talk anymore because of Kallie. The girl can be nice but she's a obvious suck up and liar. Everyday people come to me and say "I love Kallie" I feel like she's perfect and I'm just the Girl Next Door. Right now yes I am upset! Yes I am mad. But part of me thinks it's just the green monster of jealousy. I really wish I would've gone to the dance. I really do at least I could've had fun. I think right now what i need is a break. From school just to chilax and preform! Yes Kasey, Jessi and I are booking some small shows, nothing fancy. Just so we can be ready for a bigger show in the near future! I am deffinitly learned this year, and I have deffinitly found out many things. I've met friends, I've lost friends but still. I mean come on! This year has deffinitly been the hardest. And I know it's just going to keep getting worse. So thanks to all my friends who have stood bye me and know what's going on. You all rock and I love you!
Love Always,

My true Best friends!
Love Always,
My true Best friends!
Being Stuck In Drama
Drama stinks. Let me tell you what happened today that got me mader than mad. I had an old best friend named A (I'm not going to say her name because of all you HMS people reading this). A was one of my closest friends, but had a very jealous side. One day we went to the guidence counselor and all decided that it would be better to not continue our friendship. It was sad but not as sad as I should've been. A few weeks ago my friend named M decided she didn't want to continue her friendship with me. I gracely said I would do as she wished and not talk to her. My other friends however kept talking to her. She sat with A at lunch and hung out with her. One day all of A's friends got mad at her, and she ended up bringing M and herself to our lunch table. Everything was going fine till her friend's called me over to talk to them. They told me I could feel free to sit with them. I decided to talk to them while I was waiting in line to go to the bathroom. It ended up that A, and M both followed me a pretended to go in the bathroom, by that time we had finished talking. They arrived at the table before me and A asked what we had talked about I simply told her "I can't tell you" it brought me into the middle of it all. Everything is falling apart. I'm starting to hate my friends. My best friend is stabbing me in the back. My other friend's are going with A and it seems I'm all alone. It kills me it really does. I miss them so much. But I guess that's what happens. I'm getting ready to go to High school alone with no friends what so over. I don't really care anymore, I think I want to move back to PA, I really do.
That's all for now folks,

RIP: Best friends Never again!
That's all for now folks,
RIP: Best friends Never again!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Hello Everyone
Hello my peeps,
I'm Natalie. I'm 14, and from Baltimore Maryland. It's one of the most boring city in the world. Anyways I'm about to go into High school which I'm not to excited about just because I'm loosing my best friend. My other two best friends, live far away from me! It seems like the only way to get away from school, and drama, and grades and teachers is to listen to music. I am a singer in a band called Simple Obsession. We rock! If you're looking for us we'll most likely be at a Jonas Brothers concert or writing songs. People tend to label me, I have been labeled so much and it really hurts. My school is pretty much annoying everyone is over whemled with popular kids, and kids who love to be better than you. They all know they're better than the kids who are fat or ugly. But they're not. They're just not. I've found out that life's pretty hard. It has twists and turns like a rollar coaster ride. And that sometimes to understand it you have to read between the lines. Life's pretty much a wait for a hospital bed. I've been listening to My Chemical Romance's new cd "The Black Parade" and I found out how much it makes sense. It kind of implies life is hard. But it can be good if at the end someone remembers you. I love the Cd. It's just so much as changed the past couple of years it kind of makes you want to cry. Anyways well got to go!
!Natalie! xoxo
I'm Natalie. I'm 14, and from Baltimore Maryland. It's one of the most boring city in the world. Anyways I'm about to go into High school which I'm not to excited about just because I'm loosing my best friend. My other two best friends, live far away from me! It seems like the only way to get away from school, and drama, and grades and teachers is to listen to music. I am a singer in a band called Simple Obsession. We rock! If you're looking for us we'll most likely be at a Jonas Brothers concert or writing songs. People tend to label me, I have been labeled so much and it really hurts. My school is pretty much annoying everyone is over whemled with popular kids, and kids who love to be better than you. They all know they're better than the kids who are fat or ugly. But they're not. They're just not. I've found out that life's pretty hard. It has twists and turns like a rollar coaster ride. And that sometimes to understand it you have to read between the lines. Life's pretty much a wait for a hospital bed. I've been listening to My Chemical Romance's new cd "The Black Parade" and I found out how much it makes sense. It kind of implies life is hard. But it can be good if at the end someone remembers you. I love the Cd. It's just so much as changed the past couple of years it kind of makes you want to cry. Anyways well got to go!
!Natalie! xoxo
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