Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hate is a strong word

So right now I'm really hateing my step-mom. She's CRAZY, let me tell you that. She thinks the world should all bow down to her. I have to wait till 5:00 tomorrow at school all alone, because she's to lazy to come and get me. It really pisses me off!! Now she wants me to leave my school and go live with my mom just because I don't support her and my dad's relationship! NEWS FLASH LADY I have my own opinion, and it's not yours. You can scream and rant and yell and bitch all you want but in the end I can't stand you!! I know how much you hate my sister and me and you THAT'S YOUR OPINION! And mine is that I HATE you. Now I dis-like a lot of people. I mean "Hate Is A Strong Word" but I really really really HATE my step-mom. And news flash women, Rosie and I both HATE you. Hah she thinks she's so amazing. She's not. No one likes her, her own daughter doesn't give a rats ass about her. She could go jump off a bridge and no one would cry. I swear if I would've written down every nasty thing someone has said about her, the list would reach the floor! It really annoys the hell out of me. I don't care anymore, if I could I would march down and "SHUT THE F*CK UP. NO ONE CARES!" but I can't grr. That women sure knows how to piss someone off till they're about to explode. I barely ever cuss but look what she does to me!!

Sorry if you don't like cuss words!

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