Thursday, May 10, 2007

Being Stuck In Drama

Drama stinks. Let me tell you what happened today that got me mader than mad. I had an old best friend named A (I'm not going to say her name because of all you HMS people reading this). A was one of my closest friends, but had a very jealous side. One day we went to the guidence counselor and all decided that it would be better to not continue our friendship. It was sad but not as sad as I should've been. A few weeks ago my friend named M decided she didn't want to continue her friendship with me. I gracely said I would do as she wished and not talk to her. My other friends however kept talking to her. She sat with A at lunch and hung out with her. One day all of A's friends got mad at her, and she ended up bringing M and herself to our lunch table. Everything was going fine till her friend's called me over to talk to them. They told me I could feel free to sit with them. I decided to talk to them while I was waiting in line to go to the bathroom. It ended up that A, and M both followed me a pretended to go in the bathroom, by that time we had finished talking. They arrived at the table before me and A asked what we had talked about I simply told her "I can't tell you" it brought me into the middle of it all. Everything is falling apart. I'm starting to hate my friends. My best friend is stabbing me in the back. My other friend's are going with A and it seems I'm all alone. It kills me it really does. I miss them so much. But I guess that's what happens. I'm getting ready to go to High school alone with no friends what so over. I don't really care anymore, I think I want to move back to PA, I really do.
That's all for now folks,

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RIP: Best friends Never again!

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