Monday, May 14, 2007

Isn't it ironic

Ok so my parents are saying, make sacrafices and meanwhile my stepmom won't make any. It's kind of ironic because my step mom is complaining how she doesn't want to be away from her daughter yet her daughter lives in Tennessee and will be away at college for a really long time still. I AM STILL HERE FOR FOUR MORE YEARS! I don't think she understands that, it's ironic. I AM STILL HERE! goodness people I do make sacrafices! On another note, I REALLY want to go to Ocean City with Kasey. But that's something that probably won't happen, I know this because A. It's during school. B. I don't know but there is another reason. Meanwhile I'm having terrible problemos in school so a good nice rest at the beach would help but I don't think my dad will go for it. No matter how I try to tell him. If it wasn't on school days then yes I would be able to go grr! I really do want to go LIKE REALLY BADLY! But hey I gotta respect the man's wishes. Enless he says yes which would be a blessing. I wrote a article about my MCR experience, whether I'll post it or not is a different story! So I think I'm going to hit the hey for now. Remember "Look ahead the past is behind you" it seems like a good quote but it takes an extra lot to believe it. It really does because your past is your past but it's hard to wip it away. I'll talk to you all later.

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